Saturday, June 7, 2008 -- Morgantown, WV / Masontown, WV / Hazel Ruby McQuain Riverfront Park
Deckers Creek Trail Half Marathon-MAGP Endurance #3
Make your check payable to "MRTC"
Please mail completed form and registration fee to: MRTC, PO Box 282, Morgantown WV 26507-0282
Name_________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Email _____________________________ Male/Female ____________________________ Date of Birth ___________________ Age of (6/7/08) ________________ T-shirts are guaranteed only to first 250 runners. T-shirt size S______ M_____ L______ XL ______ Where did you hear of this event? ____________________ Are you participating in the Morgantown Area Grand Prix series? Yes______ No _______
Make checks / money order payable to MRTC. Fees are non-refundable. All proceeds benefit Mon River Trails Conservancy to help maintain the Mon River and Deckers Creek Trails.
In consideration of your acceptance of my application for entrance in the Deckers Creek Trail Half-Marathon, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the MRTC and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event.
___________________________________________________________________ Signature Date ___________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian, if under 18 Date