Sunday, April 13, 2008 -- Morgantown, WV / Krepps Park, Suncrest
Ambulance Chase 5K-MAGP Sprint #2
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Make checks payable to: WVU College of Law SBA
Mail to: WVU College of Law SBA, PO Box 6130, Morgantown, WV 26506
(Print neatly - Enter All Applicable Information & Sign)
NAME:_______________________________________________________________ STREET:__________________________________ CITY:_____________________ STATE:_______ ZIP:___________ PHONE:(______) ________-______________ EVENT --- 5K RUN:____ 5K FUN-WALK:____ MALE:____ FEMALE:____ DATE OF BIRTH (month/day/year) ____/____/____ AGE ON RACE DAY:______ SHIRT SIZE: Sm____ Med____ Large____ XLarge____ (Please Check One)
THE SMALL PRINT: In consideration of your acceptance of my application for entrance in the West Virginia University 8th Annual College of Law Ambulance Chase, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf waive and release the WVU College of Law, all sponsors, their representatives and successor from all claims and liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event.
___________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE of ENTRANT ___________________________________________________________________ (Parent or Guardian, if under 18 years old)
Fee enclosed: LAWYERS: NON-LAWYERS: |
_____ $35 _____ $15 Run 15 if postmarked by April 4th _____ $20 Run after Apr 2nd, or race day _____ $15 Fun Walk |