Sunday, October 21, 2007 -- Morgantown, WV / Mountaineer Mall, White Park
Red Ribbon 5K-MAGP Sprint #9
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Mail entry form and fee to:
C/O Gerry Schmidt, Valley HealthCare System
301 Scott Avenue, Morgantown, WV 26508-8804
NAME___________________________________________ GENDER________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________ CITY_______________________________________STATE____ZIP_______ PHONE_________________________________________________________ AGE as of 10/21/07___________ DATE OF BIRTH _________________ ADULT T-SHIRT SIZE: S M L XL XXL CLASS: WALK__ RUN__ # of kids participating in Kids Activities: #____ Age(s)_____In consideration of this entry, I waive for myself, my heirs, and assigns, all claims for damage which I might have against the race, its sponsors, or any other organization, business, or individual as a result of any and all injuries which might be received during the contest. I therefore attest that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for this event. I also release any photos that may involve myself.
__________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE (DATE) __________________________________________________________ PARENT OR GUARDIANS SIGNATURE IF UNDER 18 YRS OLD(Parent's or Guardian's signature required if contestant is under 18 years of age)