Saturday, May 5, 2007 -- Kingwood, WV / Preston County Country Club
Cheat Festival 5K-MAGP Sprint #3
Makes check payable to: Friends of the Cheat
Mail Payment/Form to: Friends of the Cheat, 119 South Price Street, Suite 206, Kingwood, WV 26537
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Street (P.O. Box): _____________________________________________________
Town: _____________________________State: _______ Zip code: ___________
Phone: _________________________ E-mail (optional): ____________________
Date of Birth: _______/_________/_______ Age as of 5/5/2007: __________
Male: _________ Female: __________
Where did you hear about the 5K race? _________________________________
Cost: Early registration $20.00 must be postmarked by 4/28/07, thereafter $25.00
With your registration you will receive free admission into the Cheat River Festival and the first 100 pre-registered racers will receive a free Cheat Fest 5K race shirt.
Please Circle Tee-Shirt Size: Small Medium Large XLarge
In consideration of your acceptance of my application for entrance in the Cheat Fest 5K, I for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release FOC and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out my participation in this event.
Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________
Entrant's Signature:_________________________________________
Parent or Guardian, if under 18: _____________________________
Date: ________________________