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September 25, 1999 -- Morgantown
September Stride 5K

[Overall Results] [Results by Class] [Walk Results]

See last year's race at 1998 September Stride

Click here for your race Entry Form

First run in 1993, the September Stride has evolved into a very nice family oriented event. Added in 1997 were a pasta dinner and running seminar on the eve of the race, cash awards for overall winners and hand-crafted awards. The USA Track & Field-certified course is designed for fast times, incorporating two fairly flat concentric laps around Ruby Hospital / WVU Stadium parking area. There are activities and races for children of all ages. Sorry, this year no dogs, baby strollers, or headphones are allowed!

Date: Saturday, September 25, 1999
Time: Registration: 7:30am to 8:45am
5K Run: 9:00am
5K Walk: 9:05am
Kids' Race: 10:00am
Awards: After the Kids'races
Place: Start/Finish area is located in the parking lots between Ruby Memorial Hospital and Mountaineer Field, in Morgantown, WV.
Course: The 5K course is a rolling, two loop course, with one water stop, and mile split times. It is certified to be accurately measured. USATF Number: WV95038RT.
Packet Pickup: 7:30am to 8:45am at Start/Finish
Timing: Professional timing provided by SERJ.
Price: $13 if postmarked by 9/17/99. $15 if postmarked after 9/17/99, and on race day. You can register at the Pasta Dinner.
Employee Discount: All employees of WVUH, UHA, or HSC along with their immediate family members, can enter for $10, if they sign up by 9/17/99. Cost is $15 after 9/17/99.
Random Prizes: Plenty of goodies, must be present to win.
Kid Stuff: There will be arts and crafts activities throughout the morning, as well as the always popular Kid's Races. For ages 1 and up. Please Note: Children under 10 are not allowed to enter the 5K run. They may enter the 5K walk if they are accompanied by an adult. Your child's safety is important to us.
Pictures: A photographer will be present to take free photographs of participants. These will be available the following week. The race will also be videotaped, and this will be shown in the hospital the following week.
Other: No dogs, baby strollers, or headphones allowed.

TITLE: September Stride 5K
WHEN: Saturday, September 25, 1999
EVENT TYPE(S): Running Race
WHERE: Morgantown
CONTACT: Tom Druge (304) 598-4118